VD - Offering for 6 Bath Pools (Prince Siddhartha, Medicine Buddha, Yellow Dzambala, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, Amitabha Buddha & Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva


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☘️ Merits of donors: merits accumulated from supporting the monastery to propagate the Dharma to benefit all beings will be dedicated to donors for blessings.

☘️ Monastery will acknowledge donations by :
Setting up of all bathing pool for all beings, accumulating merits for all beings, supplicate for all virtuous aspirations to be accomplished. 
15/05/2024  Welcoming of Prince Siddhartha Puja set up of Bathing Pool and offering on behalf of donors.
Offer 3 lamps of wisdom on 15/05/2024, 18/05/2024, 19/05/2024 & 22/05/2024, dedicate the merit of offering lamps to the family, granting them great wisdom and expediting their path to Buddhahood.
Merits will be dedicated to those seeking blessings for: the blessings of Buddha and his brilliance to shine in every corner of the world, eliminate all karmic obstacles and calamities, healthy body and mind, longevity and free from illness, family to have peace and safety, successful career without worries, meeting the Triple Gem life after life, learn the perfect teachings, and accomplishing all virtuous aspirations.

☘️ Offering types:
Bath Pools Of Prince Siddhartha

🌸 Bath Pool Of Medicine Buddha
🌸 Bath Pool Of Yellow Dzambala
🌸 Avalokitesvara’s Illuminating Meritorious Lotus Pond
Amitabha Lucid Fragrant Pure Merits Pond
Ksitigarbha Stately Gold Staff Liberation Pond

Closing Date : 12/05/2024, Sunday 9pm


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