March 2025 Monthly Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Great Compassion Repentance Puja
🌺The recitation of The Great Compassion mantra is the core practice of the Great Compassion Repentance. It is the code illuminated by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva during his meditative state. If one recites the Great Compassion mantra wholeheartedly, karmic obstacles can be eliminated, increase in bliss and longevity, and all wishes fulfilled.
🌺 Dedication of merits from Pujas: for all karmic obscurations, sicknesses, calamities to be eliminated for self, loved ones and beings in the 6 realms, and for virtues, wisdom to increase, all wishes to have smooth conditions and to be fulfilled, and for families to have peace and safety.
🌺 Meal offerings to Sangha and Masses, and with Joy Feast, cultivate virtuous affinities with others.
🪔 Puja Date : 02/03/2025, Sunday 10 am - 12 pm
🪔 Closing Date for Offering Registration : 27/02/2025, Thursday 9pm
★ Limited quantity
★ Pictures are meant for illustration only.
★ As a safety measure, all light offerings will be placed on the open-air altar at the back of the monastery.
★ All amount collected will be used to support and sponsor the event such as meals and beverage, utilities and ancillary expenses. Name of donors will be acknowledged and displayed during the event.
★ Note: Any surplus from the donation to this event will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation use and to help those in need, so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly.
★ BW Monastery reserves the final right to make changes to the dedication names if they are not written according to the proposed format.